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Baseline Survey and Project evaluation

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), Ethiopia; Baseline survey and establish benchmarks for project evaluation in selected key MNCH indicators for UNICEF-KOICA MNCH project in selected intervention zones Oromia and SNNP regions (December 2016- February 2017):

In collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Health, Regional Health Bureaus, NGOs, donors, and academic institutions, the UNICEF-KOICA MNCH project (2015-2018) aimed to scale up maternal and newborn care in 4 zones covering a total population of 4 million. This project contributed to the national scaling up of evidence-based interventions to improve maternal and new ABH team evaluated born health at the community and health facilities. ABH conducted baseline assessment for this project in Segen, Bench Maji, and Keffa zones of SNNP region, and Jimma zone of Oromia region. The objectives of the baseline survey were to assess the awareness and knowledge of mothers on MNCH services, utilization of MNCH services, quality of MNCH services, and identify the critical challenges of using MNCH services.

ABH Consultancy

ABH’s consultancy portfolio includes evaluations (baseline, mid-term and end-line evaluations), surveys, capacity assessments, third party monitoring, designs and project and program implementations, guidelines and manual developments, MERL plans and framework preparation. In addition to its in-house experts, ABH engages local and international experts, as required, to deliver client centered, informative, relevant quality products efficiently and on time.

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